Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fantastically stressed.

Today I had to attend a wedding.

While it was a happy occasion, I got all sorts of things swimming in front of my eyes, and could have sworn I was about to pass out several times.
My only saving grace is that I had my husband right there next to me the entire ordeal supporting me with his sweet smile and that happy glimmer in his eyes.

It made me carry on, and when I got home my lovely one and I got into a long discussion trying to get ourselves to become better partners and hopefully better parents to our children.

Speaking of children, my little one is expanding my stomach gently ever so. With my migraines recently it's been kind of scary - since seeing stars and having floaty things in front of your vision is just the sort of thing you don't want to see while pregnant.

I'm still feeling stressed out to the max. Feel like I need a day off. Perhaps soon.

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