Saturday, July 19, 2008

Food during pregnancy and migraines.

There's been an understanding for a long time that while a woman is pregnant she by all means should attempt to diet in most healthiest ways.
Don't let word diet disturb you my sweet readers - it's merely a choice adjective to help describe a lifestyle. One that could affect a person long term and if used properly even be beneficial.

Pregnant women not only are faced with having to fend for themselves in most healthiest ways (freshly killed rabbits and homegrown green salads and what not) but they should consider the fact that everything they eat, during pregnancy and breastfeeding - if they eat a lot of it and if they eat it consistently - will imprint onto baby's taste buds so to speak.

Natural news yet once again comes through with an interesting column about this very subject.
Food Choice During Pregnancy Shapes Lifelong Taste Preferences of Baby
Children develop a taste for the foods that their mothers eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding, highlighting the importance of pregnant and nursing women's dietary choices, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics.
"It's a beautiful system," lead researcher Julie Mennella said. "Flavors from the mother's diet are transmitted through amniotic fluid and mother's milk. So, a baby learns to like a food's taste when the mother eats that food on a regular basis."

There's also the flip side to this coin - since pregnant ladies need all sorts of minerals and vitamins - according to certain studies - it's actually difficult to assimilate by just 'eating right'.
(NC)—The amount of nutrients in our food is steadily declining, according to recent research. A recent survey found some fruits and vegetables we buy today contain far fewer nutrients than they did 50 years ago. This is especially noticeable in foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and apples. Specifically, the potato has lost 100 per cent of its vitamin A, 57 per cent of its vitamin C and iron, and 28 per cent of its calcium.

So perhaps ladies while we're chewing on lean chickens, or choice garbanzo beans with side of freshly killed salad - don't forget to take some extra vitamin supplements on the side. Those things sure do come in handy. And perhaps start the little tyke on some very choice Flinstones when the time is right.

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