Friday, August 22, 2008

tension headache, throwing up and all those little auras

Almost confused my tension headaches with a migraine.

Well who wouldn't - you get a headache with auras and throwing up - you'd think it was a migraine.

Although I called my sibling Raingem and was promptly notified that it indeed is a tension headache. Which of course isn't helping anything - but whatever.

I took the rest of my vitamins for the day and settled in behind a computer to do my usual. Ah squiggly line... how I've missed you.

In order for me to deal with the whole headache thing - I'm not taking any medication - but perhaps a loving rub from a loving person. Also dog walking helps. Clears those nasal passages being out and about.

Still need to post a picture of my pup here, not the one I'm carrying - the actual pup :)

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