Friday, May 23, 2008

Vitamins and supplements.

Checking on different supplements and vitamins that I have to take. Not only keeping in mind that I have to supplement with Magnesium and vitamin B2 for migraines but also that I'm not entirely sure as to whether this might cause overdose with over-the-counter prenatal vitamins.

Right now I'm taking prenatal vitamins by "TopCare".
They contain:
Vitamin A - 4000 IU
Vitamin C - 120 mg
Vitamin D - 400 IU
Vitamin E - 30 IU
Thiamin - 1.8 mg
Riboflavin- 1.7 mg
Niacin - 20 mg
Vitamin B6 - 2.6 mg
Folic Acid - 800 mcg
Vitamin B12 - 8 mcg
Calcium - 200 mg
Iron - 28 mg
Zinc - 25 mg

After a precursory search on prenatal vitamins I got plenty of feedbacks.
has a very good article on simple facts about prenatal vitamins.

Simple things like taking prenatal vitamins while trying to conceive, not taking more than one a day and explaining the main reasons behind it are all described.

After my initial interview with my physician, I must say it wasn't all that informative. But on the other hand, I always feel slightly uncomfortable in doctor's office. And the visit was merely to confirm my pregnancy.

My doctor suggested that I skip the blood test, due to the fact that it won't tell me much more than the fact I'm pregnant. We went with spot urine test. He also mentioned that I can continue Taekwondo as per usual. He asked me if I had any more questions, mentioned my magnesium supplement and doc basically said not to take any more.

Naturally he gave me referral to the O.B.G.Y.N. So next step is my conversation with him.

I'll keep my eye out for what's new on the net for migraneur mommies to be. And keep you all posted.

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